
Best material for external window sills

Manufacturers of external window sills offer us products made of many different materials. It is worth remembering that in the case of these finishing elements of the building not only aesthetics counts, but also durability and resistance to difficult weather conditions. How to choose and will external stone window sills be better than PVC or aluminium products? We invite you to read about it!

What materials do manufacturers of external parameters offer?

The most frequently selected proposals invariably include external granite window sills, but apart from them, the market also offers products made of steel, aluminium, PVC, ceramic window sills, as well as those made of wood or conglomerate.

Steel products are popular due to their low price, but in terms of scratch resistance it is difficult to compare them to e.g. external stone window sills. PVC, on the other hand, is a material that does not scratch as easily as metal, but it is quickly affected by sunlight, which causes it to fade after a few years and lose its aesthetic qualities.

An alternative to the above solutions could be aluminium products, but their disadvantage is poor acoustic insulation. It is especially noticeable during heavy rains, when we can hear the loud and annoying sound of drops drumming against the metal sheet. In this respect ceramic is better, however it is not as durable as a sill made of granite or other stone. In case of any damage, the only thing left is to replace the whole element with a new one, whereas a loss in granite can be filled with resin, for example.

Which stone for exterior windowsills?

The conclusion seems to be simple – if you want to enjoy a high quality product which looks spectacular, perfectly isolates noise and is resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions, it is worth choosing a windowsill made of granite. This natural stone is characterised by above-average durability, which makes it difficult to damage. At the same time, in comparison to other external windowsills made of stone, e.g. marble or travertine, prices of products made of granite turn out to be very affordable. As a budget windowsill with exceptional durability and interesting aesthetics, it will certainly prove perfect.

Granite windowsill – naturalness and classics

Another advantage of granite window sills is a wide choice of available patterns and colours. Rich colours offered by manufacturers and distributors allow matching the finish to every style and architectural form. The raw material suits both a classic Polish manor house, a modern villa and a minimalist building. Regardless of the colour of the elevation, roofing or window joinery, well-chosen granite window sills will decorate any building for many years.

At the same time, granite products, apart from a wide range of patterns and interesting colours, also offer a very natural look.As a results, they are sure to appeal to those who  appreciate originality and timeless beauty, that other materials cannot offer.